
About Vegan Lifestyle Weight Loss Plan

By Pamela Reynolds

Once you start being a vegan, you will probably lose a few pounds. This healthy lifestyle brings numerous benefits, but, after your organism gets used to this new regime, you can still gain weight, whatever people might think about it. So, if something like this happens to you, a vegan lifestyle weight loss plan might become quite useful.

Whatever people might think, it's not all about calories. Vegans have limited choice of foods to choose from, and their meals are often based on whole grains, soy products and dairy substitutes. All these foods have certain amount of calories, yes, but also valuable vitamins and minerals. Finding enough sources of protein is also really important.

Since your body needs enough protein, you have to balance your diet carefully. In fact, caring about protein intake often ends up with too much carbs. Another problem is that you have to consume larger amount of different foods to satisfy your organism's daily needs. If your meals aren't balanced properly, you won't have enough energy and you will feel hunger.

Your body is set up to use glucose as a primary source of fuel. When you want to lose weight, you have to cut calorie intake, to force your body to use its reserves. Glucose reserves are small, and they will be soon gone and the body will start using fat reserves. Unfortunately, it will use fats from all areas of the body, but not so much those placed on your belly, because that's how it works.

If you cut the carbs, your body will soon spend all glucose reserves, and you will force it to search for another source. This is when it will start using fat reserves, transforming the fats into fat acids. This state is also called ketosis, and it is great for losing weight, especially from your belly and similar areas. It might be simple for people eating all foods. But, it might be hard for vegans to stick to it.

Anyway, there are a few simple rules about what you should and what you should not eat while on keto diet. First, you should get up to 70 percent of your calorie intake from fats. You can use coconut oil, olive oil, avocado etc. For this purpose, as well as different nuts and previously soaked seeds. Considering the fact that you have to cut carbohydrates to a minimum, choose low-carbs vegetables.

That's why you should know more about the amount of carbs in each vegetable. For example, you can eat kale, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, cucumber and cauliflower. Needless to say that you should stop eating most fruits, starting with bananas, apples and similar. You should also stop eating legumes, tubers and all grains.

You should still eat vegan substitutes for meat and some dairy substitutes, but taking into account how much you are actually allowed to eat, considering various hidden carbs. All in all, you should never take more than 50 grams of carbs in a day, and this includes all hidden carbs. Make sure to get enough vitamins and minerals.

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